Label: "vladimir putin"

orbán viktor operatív törzs ukrán orosz háború orosz
March 07, 2022 13:42

Orbán adamant no arms shipments to Ukraine will pass through Hungary

PM say it is a conern that military actions are moving ever closer to the border

Putyin szerint Romániából és Lengyelországból érkezhet az újabb fenyegetés
March 06, 2022 23:50

Putin declares war on media, Moody's cuts Russia's ratings, firms keep pausing ops

Russia-Ukraine war: Key developments on the weekend

March 04, 2022 16:30

Putin seems unaware of origin of Western sanctions

Envisions Russia winning from mass pull-out

March 04, 2022 14:45

Putin says Russia will even benefit from foreign partners pulling out

List of companies abandoning Russia expands by the day

March 03, 2022 18:05

The worst is yet to come, Macron believes after Putin call

French President worried, Zelensky says Ukraine might not be enough for Putin

March 02, 2022 16:24

Russian Foreign Minister talks about third world war, involving nuclear weapons

Lavrov once again accuses Ukraine of intention to obtain nuclear weapons

orosz-ukran haboru jarmu kar
March 02, 2022 15:30

Russia's war on Ukraine to get more brutal, latest intelligence update out

UK Secretary of Defence Ben Wallace paints grim future

kreml oroszország moszkva
March 02, 2022 09:00

Putin caps Russian cash exports at USD 10,000

Amidst fears of financial system collapse

befektetés tőzsde chart getty stock
February 28, 2022 23:55

MSCI: Russian stock market "uninvestable" after grim new Western sanctions

Removing Russia from indexes "natural next step"

Putyin szerint Romániából és Lengyelországból érkezhet az újabb fenyegetés
February 28, 2022 23:39

Putin lays out demands for stopping offensive in Ukraine

Converses with French President Macron for 90 minutes

vlagyimir putyin shutter
February 27, 2022 20:26

Putin orders Russian nuclear deterrent forces put on alert

West comes up with new package of tougher sanctions

vlagyimir putyin
February 25, 2022 17:03

Putin holds surreal speech on war on Ukraine

As if he was living in an alternate reality

February 25, 2022 14:15

EU moves to freeze Putin and Lavrov's European assets

In scope of a more serious sanctions package

vlagyimir putyin
February 24, 2022 11:01

Putin reveals reason for attacking Ukraine to Lukashenko

Highlights a single cause

February 24, 2022 09:17

Map of Ukrainian targets hit in Russian attack

Shocking map published on Twitter

February 24, 2022 09:05

Wizz Air halts Ukrainian operations as Russia attacks

Western world condemns Moscow's military aggression

Ursula von der Leyen Charles Michel kozos nyilatkozat
February 24, 2022 08:50

EU to outline further sanctions on Russia for "military aggression" against Ukraine

Olaf Scholz, Mateusz Morawieczki sharply condemn attack